My choice for Lib Dem leader

A day of weighing up thoughts on the Lib Dem leadership contest. First – many thanks to everyone who has been lobbying me to run for the leadership. It’s flattering – but sorry, I’m not in the running.

Instead, I am sticking with Chris Huhne. You know he had real balls last time – took the risk – gave the party a real choice. And in the campaign – it was Chris who had the big ideas – so much so that the other leadership contenders followed his agenda. I want the person who sets agendas – that is leadership.

Outside of loads of media interviews – it has been a day of Lib Dem huddles. Who will support who? Who’s the media backing? And so on … but perhaps at last there is a chink of light in the media being (a little!) interested in what the policy choices there may be behind different candidates and what our party’s approach is rather than obsessed with what socks Ming is wearing.

But I’ll give you one firm prediction: whoever runs and whoever wins – their best policies will be nicked by the Tories without hesitation, then nicked by Labour and then the Tories will complain about Labour doing the nicking – as if they were really their policies in the first place!

0 thoughts on “My choice for Lib Dem leader

  1. Lynne, I can understand you not wanting to face the 24 hour madness of party leadership. But I really strongly believe that if the Lib Dems are to appear in any way distinctive and fresh compared to the other two parties, they need to choose a female leader now. She will be able to demonstrate that the Lib Dems are modern, truly progressive, and different. She will be able to connect so much more strongly with the public – in comparison to the immature macho bickering boys. She will be relevant!So, please, reconsider your decision – or give the greatest encouragement you possibly can to your female colleagues to pluck up the courage and run!Robbie

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