Crouch End lap dancing application returns

I had hoped that the applicants for a lap dancing club in the middle of Crouch End would take the hint – that local people didn’t want them there and that they would disappear forever with their tail between their legs.

The message from the campaign was quite clear: lap off! But they haven’t. They’re back!

So – the Lib Dems are pushing for there to be wide, wide consultation on this new application and for the views of residents to be heard loud and clear.

Indeed, the original application was withdrawn in the spring after really fierce local opposition from residents with their ‘Lapoff!’ campaign, helped by local Liberal Democrats.

Cllr Dave Winskill (Crouch End) has requested that Haringey Council organise a public planning forum to give local residents a real chance to raise their concerns about this fresh application.

We don’t know if Haringey will agree to that – but in the meantime we have until the end of June to object. The final planning decision is likely to be taken by 30th July. The Music Palace (which is the location) has to get both planning and licensing to be allowed to run their lap dance club.

Residents can comment on the application by going to the Haringey website and entering reference: HGY/2009/0953, or by contacting me on or 020 8340 5459.

For more about the issues around the site of the application – and why it isn’t suitable – see my earlier YouTube clip:

0 thoughts on “Crouch End lap dancing application returns

  1. "with their tail between their "legs.Call me old fashioned but I understood that's where it always was?

  2. I still cna't see why it isn't suitalbe no matter how many tiems you post that clip.In fact no one has even shown me any respected research which proves such venues cause any significnat problems – certainly no more problems than pub casues.When you try to campaign against something such as this it should be done on the basis of evidence and facts – otherwise it's plain and simply NIMBYism.