New Deal of the Mind

Went to Xmas drinks with the Trustees and others involved in New Deal of the Mind. For anyone who doesn’t know what this is – is it the result of Martin Bright’s original article in the New Statesman titled ‘New Deal of the Mind’ which laid out a brilliant vision for creating work or training for an army of young people so that rather than become a lost generation without jobs or hope in this dreadful recession – they would be charged with projects throughout the land taking living histories, recording the recession – and many other such programs.

The New Deal of the Mind came into being and now exists to enable young people to find work or apprenticeships or training in the creative fields. If you want to get involved – just let me or Martin Bright know.

I was so enthusiastic about New Deal of the Mind – that I am now one of their Patrons. You can see a short film here: