0 thoughts on “Baby P: why we need a public inquiry

  1. The business of the public should be done in public. Without a public inquiry the issue will be safely kicked into touch and children kicked into a dark corner where public light does not shine. No public inquiry is a license for abusers

  2. Hi Lynne,I am a final year Public Relations student at the University of Central Lancashire and I am currently carrying out my dissertation on crisis communications online, focusing on the case of Baby P. My research is studying the different online methods that have been used to view / discuss the case.I have viewed the comments you have made regarding the case, may I ask if you would be interested in filling in my questionnaire?If this was possible please email me at QuestionnaireResults@live.com or visit my blog: http://fayesaville.wordpress.com to request a copy of the questionnaire. My blog has more information about myself and the study.Thank you very much for your time, Kind regards,Faye.